Tuesday, February 24, 2015

the little mercury zoo

Story time!

When I was younger I always wanted a bunch of pets. Mostly I wanted a little, white bunny, but my mom always said no. My parents jokingly bought me a stuffed animal rabbit one year and a robot hamster toy to get me to pipe down about wanting baby animals. I was pissed. We did have a family dog, and I loved him to death, but the dog wasn't my dog. I wanted my own pet. 

Well, let me just tell you what happens when you don't let your children get the pets they want. They go off to college where there's no rules and nobody can tell them they can't have cute baby animals, and they buy all the baby animals. All of them.

I was supposed to be getting just one bunny, but came home with two. I wasn't supposed to be buying mice at all, but they were cute, so I came home with two. My dad let our black lab and our german shepherd get a little too friendly, and now would you look at that? I have a puppy, too!

So here I am living in a tiny 3 bedroom apartment with my boyfriend, two other boys and our miniature zoo. It's a little crazy, but we make it work.


  1. Love your little animal family! <3 Miss ya girl. Cute pets!

    1. I miss you, too! You should come visit me some time :) You can meet all my babies! Haha
