Thursday, March 5, 2015

are you bored, too?

I'm having a tough time really getting back into blogging. I'm posting things, as you can see, but I'm not interested in any of the blogs I'm following. It's probably because I'm following the blogs I used to enjoy when I first got into blogging back in high school, but I don't really care about those things anymore. All the ultra clean posts... DIYs and outfit posts with fancy cameras and lighting. I don't know. Those blogs are pretty, but they feel like magazines and I can't find a voice I want to read, much less a voice I connect with.

I get so bored reading all of these posts... They're all trying to teach me something or sell me something, and I couldn't care less about whatever they're talking about. DIYs are fun and all, but we've gone from unique, interesting ideas to scribbling on our good linens and calling it DIY art. I don't get it. I just want to read about people's weird lives and the exciting but sort of ordinary day that they had.

I spent so much time on my last blog trying to keep up with other blogs - I had to post every day, comment on a certain number of blogs, keep up with my "favorite things" series of random stuff that I wanted (but usually couldn't afford), spotlight other super whimsical blogs that I loved (hoping they would talk about me, too), and post a certain number of photos of my face to keep people interested in me. It all feels so boring to me now...

Why did I care about any of that stuff? I need to find more interesting people. Tell me about your life! What do you like? Where do you want to go? What is your favorite color?

Mine is pink.

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